Monday, February 28, 2011

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

This year, I've opted for the minimalist approach.

Okay, I say "minimalist" but really it just means I was in no mood to deal with all the nut jobs in the stores or the mess in the garage to get to the decorations and tree. So there's no decorations, no tree, no pretending to be merry (it's this last one that makes it all worth it).

There's a few presents for my mom (I buy stuff for her year round and just give them to her; that leaves the Christmas options pretty slim) and a couple for friends. The couple of family presents can wait until the next time they visit (January... maybe...). The dogs got treats and a new toy and the cats are spoiled year round. Usually I use Christmas as a time to torment them (what could be cuter than a 20-lb white cat wearing an elf-hat and looking like he wants to smother me in my sleep??) but those too are trapped in the pile of crap that is my garage right now.

I was going to make dinner but that whole "People in stores are douche-bags right now" got in the way so it's pasta and vino tonight.

Uneventful, drama-free and absolutely lovely.

Tomorrow may be a whole other story. It's the anniversary of my dad's death. Mom's still apt to burst into tears; I may drag her to Wal-Mart for a couple hours. After-Christmas-Hell may help her forget for a while. Or at least give her an outlet for her pain. Take that, rude old lady with the 4 year old in diapers chewing on a dollar bill. That's right, bitch; you're goin' doooowwwwwnnnnn!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

*klickety kklack*

Trying out my new flip-out keyboard for my iphone (sometimes the touchscreen sucks and you need more control than a couple little tap menus).

I might even start posting more since I rarely open my laptop lately. I figure I stare at a computer screen for 8+ hours a day at work; I don't need to do it at home, too.

Life is good. Health is better. Ass is smaller. And time is spent doing what makes me happy, not cleaning up after other people and dealing with their hangups and bullshit. Oh, and I'm getting a raise! So all in all I'll be finishing this year on a high note. I'm hoping it'll last at least until tax time.

Apparently the only way for me to catch a tax break is to either buy a house (which I don't need) or marry and/or breed. So I guess that just leaves marriage. I think I'll found a church instead...

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, July 23, 2010

Bah, Bah, Black Sheep

I've caught myself contemplating church. (I say “caught” as if it's forbidden but it's really just that I've never given much thought to organized religion, at least not in the sense that it's for me). It's as if I'm hoping that by just being there things will change. The logical side of my brain says that is nonsense; you can't find contentment by following the herd, especially a herd that for most of your life has represented all that is hypocritical and wrong in the world. I think all I really want is peace, a little quiet in my life.

It feels like there's this little part of me trying so hard to be optimistic, that everything will work out. A very small, mute part. It's like a flutter, like something is trying to get me to calm down. Inner calm or self-preservation? It's hard to heed when everything around you is falling apart.

31 years of Faith has left me wanting.
Is Religion the answer?
A shiny new box to store it all in?

Saturday, June 19, 2010


Well, a small one at least. I can see the floor if the back bedroom. 3
bags of trash and I've barely made a dent.

How can one person live in such filth? I have no idea whats important
and whats trash. It's all goin in the bag. I should toss in the
spiders as well. If I have to deal with them so should you X\

Sent from my iPhone

Friday, June 18, 2010

To-Do List?

To-Do NOVEL more like...

What started out as a quick jot-down of things that I need to accomplish this coming weekend quickly snow-balled into a time-sucking creature of insatiable appetite with a penchant for seeing me humiliate and/or harm myself.

I am an excellent organizer as long as it STAYS organized. The first time I miss a day or something doesn't get filed properly it all goes to hell. I'm hoping the lovely thought of pulling my home and life back from the red-neck/white-trash hell that it's spiraled into since my father died and it was left to someone else to care for will be a great motivator.

Each room/area has its own tab and is broken down into basic categories like Repair and Replace. I've tried to list things that I know need to be done now and started listing stuff that I might like to do in the future. Right now it takes up 7 pages, single spaced.

Granted it also contains a number of items that need to be priced or compared or farmed out to someone more competent but a lot of it I can handle myself. I've either done it before or someone somewhere wrote a book on the subject. I'll be fine. Just keep the emergency kit handy and remember that 911 is always speed dial #1.

Violin Update - I still suck. But I suck 3 times a week now :D

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Guess what?

THIS is actually about you -

Good Riddance.