Friday, June 08, 2007

Random Bananas are Haunting Me!

On my commute I pass a local Social Security office every single day, and every single day there are 2 plastic bananas wired to one of the trees.

Why are there plastic bananas!?! I haven't gone to introduce myself to them yet, but really I'm just assuming they're plastic because they are still discernable as bananas. What if they aren't? What if some Social Security nut simply replaces the aforementioned bananas every morning to taunt me? And what does this craziness (theirs; not mine) mean in regards to my future retirement? If banana-man (sorry, Banana-Person) snaps a little more will my benefits be used to buy stock in Chiquita?

Why does no one else seem bothered by this? Am I the only one that can see the bananas?

What if there really aren’t bananas on that tree and in some screwy Matrix-knock-off kind of way they’re a marker for the daily transition I make from Dork-Grrl to CAD-Biscuit every weekday? This doesn’t happen on the weekend when I don’t pass them; so really, this could be a plausible anomaly of my existence that other than really tweaking my cookies could explain a great deal about the inner workings of my reality.

That or that stop light is way too frickin’ long.

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