Thursday, January 03, 2008

Ain't Technology Grand?

How tech-simple have I become that I barely saw that I can e-mail blog posts to myself and post whatever nonsense I want under the guise of penning work-related correspondence? Then again, as a CAD monkey, any inordinate amount of typing automatically raises suspicion. After all, lines and circles don't require epics.

Soooo..... yeah..... And the excitement has worn off under the extremely heavy burden of writer's block. Yep. No writing for me lately. I think that may have a helluva lot to do with the fact that whenever the urge arises, there's always someone to interrupt, to want to know what I'm writing, to cause severe bouts of paranoia that somehow others will read what I don't want them to which in turn causes the socially acceptable tidbits to run and hide. It may also have a bit to do with the lack of sleep, the constant anger, the fact that everything I say in my personal life is written off as a joke/empty threat...

I began this as a way to clean my head out every once in a while, but maybe it can serve a new purpose, become a place to get the point that seems to be lost in translation from angry to anger-causing. (I'm generally so annoyed even my metaphors and personifications have gone idjit). After all if someone won't listen when they're right in front of you, maybe they'll perk up those ears when a whole single-digit (or possible fraction) number of people get to see it.


Anonymous said...

I find that we pick the people that we choose to surround ourselves with. With our co-workers God curses us with that bunch. If you are angry with the decisions that you make in your personal life, the agitators are your own choice; and if you don't like it, change it. If you don't change it, take responsibility for your anger. No one is the cause of your writers block but you.

Lin-Z said...

I know that the writer's block part is my fault, and I'm taking steps to fix it including discussing all these little insecurities and anger-points. THAT'S where the shit usually starts.

And yes, I did make a concious decision about who I allow into my life, and I've already left the more selfish, delusional people on the wayside.

I know that my reaction is my fault as well. I had a bad day and I vented.

Lin-Z said...

Just realized that your first assumption seems to be that the problem lies in the non-blood-family direction. Wrong. And you can't drop family, no matter how much you may want to.

Anonymous said...

I never even thought about non-blood- family just general agitators. You’re right about family. We don’t pick them either, unfortunately; and yeah they are in our lives for the long run no matter what.

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.