Thursday, September 14, 2006

Undead and... WTF!?!

I'd just finished a book fraught with human misery and after running across a friend's glowing recomendation for an audio-book he'd just finished listening to, I thought

'I can use a pick-me-up. Hey, this one sounds good. I shall trust this man's judgement and read this book about socialite-wannabe vampires and their love of shoes.'
(I sound much more mature in my own head)

Off I went to B&N with a perfect excuse to meander and waste some cash, but lo and behold I could not find it. I wandered all through Fiction but no luck. I finally broke down and asked a search-biscuit* where I might find the aforementioned books. Turns out I was in the entirely wrong section. So, my blog-perusing friend, you've done something that no one else has been able to do, not even the old biddy's I call relatives and friends - You made me want to buy a romance novel. And according to the spine this is no ordinary bodice ripper; it's a Paranormal Romance. So thank you for introducing me to the wonderful world of non-Fabio-smothered book-jackets and non-sensical romaticisms. Just make sure none of your home-security-loving homies see the CD case *evil grin*

* Heh heh! If Kevin sees this I'm gonna get in trouble for stealing his schtick


Anonymous said...


I'm on book 3 already and I've got books 4 and 5 queued up right after!

I'm not sure what qualifies these books as "romance", per se (the sex in the swimming pool and the sexual assault on a police officer by the heroine nothwithstanding), but I enjoyed them thoroughly (so far) and I LOVE the cover art! :)

And you wanna know the real pisser? When I first started listening to them I immediately dug the writing style because it reminded me of a certain "goth girl gone khaki-ass" friend of mine and the way she writes.

I mean, how can you noy like dialog like this:

"You're a vampire," Tux Boy said, except he didn't thunder it majestically this time. It sort of squeaked out.

"Thanks for the news flash, but I figured that out when I woke up dead a couple of days ago."

"But...but you..."

"Well! This has been fun, but I think I'll be going now."

"But...but you..."

"But...but I was curious so I came along for the ride. However, if hanging with other vamps means I have to go the whole movie cliché route, then forget it. Cemeteries? Acolytes? Partying in chilly mausoleums? Yuck-o. Also, nobody wears a tux this time of year unless they're going to a wedding. You look like an escapee from the set of Dracula Does Doris."

One of these days, I'm going to convince "khaki-ass" to write a damned book (or at least a series of short stories).

The woman who does the reading on the audiobooks (Nancy Wu) does a phenomenal job, btw. If you can get the audio, I highly recommend it!

Anonymous said...

"I mean, how can you noy like dialog like this"

I obviously need my coffee this morning.