Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Missed Chance at Found Porn

I hate cell phones. Despite the emergency capabilities, in the long run they are useless little bits of insurance liability despite the amount of bit-ty crap you can cram in one or the cute little stickers I can slap on my RazR. I hate people who drive with them. I hate people who can’t go 2 minutes without chatting with some other vapid, cell-phone junkie. I hate people who think they don’t look like complete nutters talking to themselves in shopping centers and grocery stores. I hate people who text others in the same house because they’re too damn lazy to walk downstairs. And oh so many more. Well, maybe hate is a strong word. Replace all previous instances of hate with any one of the following: “am annoyed by”, “dislike severely” or “pity”.

Now that we all have the back-story of my wish to not let modern technology eat away my brain one wave length at a time (Darn you, Stephen King!) for one teeny-weeny millisecond-ish moment I regretted my aversion to all things cellular (I also hate genetics but that’s a different cellular story for another more futuristic time to be announced whenever I get around to figuring out what this parenthetic ramble means). If I wasn’t such an anti-cell-phone tech-geek (I know! Someone’s gonna come tear up my membership card – well, take it away at least. The paper’s a little thick, and we all know about the average computer nerd’s lack of upper body strength) I’d have photographic evidence of the 6’ tall nonsense that had me giggling like a 12 year old when you say the word “boobies”.

For 40 minutes this morning I was stuck behind this plastered on the back of a trailer.

What were these people thinking, or how much did Lance Armstrong pay to try to make this an American catch-phrase?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Don't feel bad. I have a cell-phone with camera and even video capabilities. I never think to whip it out whenever I see anything of interest, such as the woman walking around with a rooster tucked under her arm or the drunk guy standing in the middle of the street because he thought that it was just as good a place as any for taking a wizz.

I end up having to describe it to someone which is never as good as the actual visual evidence that I could so easily get if I just thought for a second to whip out the cell phone and snap a few pics.

At least you have a URL that you can point to so be thankful for that :)

And Happy Thanksgiving!