Saturday, December 25, 2010

Christmas 2010

This year, I've opted for the minimalist approach.

Okay, I say "minimalist" but really it just means I was in no mood to deal with all the nut jobs in the stores or the mess in the garage to get to the decorations and tree. So there's no decorations, no tree, no pretending to be merry (it's this last one that makes it all worth it).

There's a few presents for my mom (I buy stuff for her year round and just give them to her; that leaves the Christmas options pretty slim) and a couple for friends. The couple of family presents can wait until the next time they visit (January... maybe...). The dogs got treats and a new toy and the cats are spoiled year round. Usually I use Christmas as a time to torment them (what could be cuter than a 20-lb white cat wearing an elf-hat and looking like he wants to smother me in my sleep??) but those too are trapped in the pile of crap that is my garage right now.

I was going to make dinner but that whole "People in stores are douche-bags right now" got in the way so it's pasta and vino tonight.

Uneventful, drama-free and absolutely lovely.

Tomorrow may be a whole other story. It's the anniversary of my dad's death. Mom's still apt to burst into tears; I may drag her to Wal-Mart for a couple hours. After-Christmas-Hell may help her forget for a while. Or at least give her an outlet for her pain. Take that, rude old lady with the 4 year old in diapers chewing on a dollar bill. That's right, bitch; you're goin' doooowwwwwnnnnn!

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