Thursday, October 19, 2006

Enough is enough is enough... Right?

I've put up with being insulted...
I've put up with my family being insulted...
Now that my job's been belittled by a veritable welfare whore can I please, Please, Please just do what I do best and destroy, Destroy, Destroy?!?

No, I have to keep quiet. I have to be the "better person" (what ever the hell that means in a situation where the target can't remember what they had for breakfast yesterday let alone what mean, spiteful, insipid, stupid-ass thing they said five minutes ago). I have to "be nice." Peh!

I'll behave because I was asked too, but the second there's a bloody loophole...

Oh and I've been uber-busy the past two weeks and slightly stressed (see above and add nonstop classes and no sleep and new puddles of fuzzy deciding shoes are fun and tasty) so no brain-droolings. But I should be back to my usual dorky self as soon as I get a chance to sleep.

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