Monday, October 30, 2006

The Evolution of Meat Puppets: Point me to the Salt-Lick

In Midland for another training. Flew in this time, so that means no transportation, no freedom… The upside is I have a great deal of free time to wax moronic; such as:

As much as man likes to believe he is far above and well beyond the average beast in the field, it always surprises and saddens me when we revert to our baser selves. For example:

Men, women, children and the occasional dog meander aimlessly, groups merging into groups until it’s hard for even the most observant observers (sounds so much nicer than “voyeur”) to tell who was with whom and so on and so forth, etc. etc. etc. There are new acquaintances, old friendships, reunions and passing-bys. Man shows his prowess by performing that which even the most advanced of primates (you know, other than us) has yet to master – the sacred rite of texting. So we wander and wait and smile shyly at strangers and admire the emotional baggage of others while we wait for the physical to arrive. There is a veritable air of the dominance of Human, all this walking upright and non-guttural communication. We are masters of our individual universes, answering to no one other than the gods of common courtesy. Then the buzzer rings and thousands upon thousands of years of evolution, of striving for supreme superiority is temporarily quashed as we are drawn to the sound like cattle to the slaughter. Eyes glaze, family ties are forgotten and it is every man for himself in the hunt for our modest (and now more than likely damaged) possessions. We are reduced from lone wanderers or family units to a milling mass of slack-jawed anticipation.

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