Thursday, April 01, 2010

If I only had a brain...

I'm losing my mind. Seriously. It's as if my body has absorbed as much
stress and bullshit it can contain and has gone into shock.

This is the year of the shite luck. Considering that my luck and life
have pretty much sucked for a very, very long time, this is a scary

A "normal"/reasonably sane person doesn't sit around contemplating how
much easier her life would be if she just let herself go completely
fucking apeshit nuts, right? Then again, all the fucked up people I
know have it pretty damn easy. Someone takes care of them and they
rarely have to do anything for themselves. They can mooch off others
or the government and not contribute or make sense or pretend like
they enjoy dealing with anyone and everything.

Then again, how sad is it that that's a suitable existence? I think
I'd rather be unhappy then a parasite.

Sent from my iPhone

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