Thursday, August 27, 2009

Music to Make Meatloaf To

Last night's meatloaf was a success and even more successful sandwhich for today. My favorite recipes are the ones that make great snacks for the next day. They just seem more worth the effort.

I've been wondering if what you feel/want at the time you're preparing something plays a part in how the dish finally ends up. Mood doesn't seem to have an effect when I'm cooking but with baking it makes a huge difference. There's nothing quite so depressing as angry cookies.

Music is a very important part of my life- It helps at work and sets the pace for certain jobs. It helps me handle all the jerks I have to deal with on my morning commute. It drowns out the sound of 2 seperate tv's blaring and snoring through the wall. But I've never stopped to think about what affect it has on my cooking.

The soundtrack last night was a little... eccentric, but it all turned out okay.
  1. Tom Waits - Low Down
  2. Neko Case - Mayeb Sparrow
  3. Massive Attack - Karmacoma
  4. Peter Bjorn and John - Nothing to Worry About
  5. Rusted Root - Cruel Sun
  6. Civet - Son of a Bitch
  7. Neko Case - Prison Girls

I wonder what Motorhead fueled cupcakes might taste like...

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Saturday, Aug. 15th - Wednesday, Aug. 26th

This past weekend was pretty much a lazy, leftovers kind of time. No fancy menu, no new and exciting meals to force feed to my family. There something to be said about lounging about in PJ's all day and finishing 3 excellent paperbacks (Dean Koontz's Frankenstein, 1-3). Even Pi and Conner were enjoying the superb laziness.

Saturday was chilli-dogs and oven-baked tater-tots. I think they contributed a great deal to Sunday's level of lazy.

Sunday was Eggplant Parmesana. I'm a texture person; that means the meal can taste like perfection but certain textures like grainy (anything that feels like you dropped a spoonful of soil into it) and gooey (bread pudding feels like a head cold) are just wrong. Forgotten in the oven and consequently overcooked eggplant is not a good texture. Thank god for the Chicken Parmesana I made for the one who thinks the only suitable vegetables are corn and whatever can be found on a fast-food burger.

Monday I was sick. No food for me. And since I couldn't take my allergy meds, not even junk food for me. Tuesday was more of the same. Needless to say, this morning's cautiously eaten breakfast of stale Chex Mix and string cheese was absolutely delicious.

Now that I feel better, I'm thinking Meatloaf tonight (actually I was thinking 'rare steak with just a little bit of sear with a side of baked sweet potato and a tall Jack and Coke' but I don't want to push it. I'll save that for this weekend.)

And before I forget -

CLARIFICATION: If it's something that is easily found in most standard cookbooks/on the internet, I won't post a recipe. If you'd like a copy of any particular recipe, just let me know.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Thursday, August 20th & Friday, August 21st

Thursday's dinner - Noodlie Stuff

A family favorite for those times when you just don't feel like cooking and all of your junk-food money has been spent on new roof.

Boil water, toss in some form of tubular noodle, cook to just shy of al dente.  Drain some of the water, dump in a can of tomato sauce and diced tomatoes, season with some sort of herb and salt and pepper.  When it tastes like food, add preferred choice of shredded cheese and heat to melty.  Dump some in a bowl and watch random TV.  Goes well with Dr Pepper and "The Mighty Boosh"

Friday's dinner -



I like adding some cooked seasoned pork to make it a fuller meal.  This one fits into my continuing effort to convince my mom that good flavors can come from things she normally associates with just one use.  In her world, peanut butter is for sandwiches and spaghetti is for drowning in red goop from a jar.

Updated August 18th post



Thursday, August 20, 2009

Tues, Aug 18 and Wed, Aug 19

I'll edit and post the recipe some time tonight... or tomorrow... or...

Tuesday's dinner - Cheesy Garden Vegetables

I made this a loooong time ago when I was in 4-H. I'll wait for the laughter to subside. Got it out of your system? Then let's continue. I used to be proud to cook; I was a culinary geek. Eating this reminded me of when I actually used my skill to achieve something other than a wider butt.

It's mainly cheese sauce with some veggies thrown in for texture, but it's quick, easy and earned me a first place trophy and a chance to see the exotic locale that is Brownsville, TX.

Wednesday's dinner - Skillet Lasagna and Tomatoes Provencal

The lasagna was from a magazine that will remain nameless because I fear Martha-Stewart-esque retribution, espcially since it helped prove once and for all that my traditional lasagna's better.

The Tomatoes Provencal was a last minute addition when I noticed that the pile of tomatoes on the counter were just this side of tempramental water balloons. I shunned basic science and was stuck on the idea that baking will only make them better, not enhance the ick. Wrong. Breaded bitter killer tomatoes anyone?

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Monday, August 17th

I was too sick to care,so last night was grilled cheese and condensed potato soup. Don't tell anyone but it was made with lactose-free milk. Ha!!! It tastes the same, admit it! :-P

Monday, August 17, 2009

Iggy vs the Broom

All that is bristly must die!

Teeny Crackhead

Beeby Iggy


Friday, August 14th -


Not quite alfredo but tasty nonetheless and does not require my keeping cream in the fridge that will inevitably be lost behind the milk and morph into some creepy lump of icky.

Saturday, August 15th - Beef Bourguignon and

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I know I'm mixing countries but pppt. Tried it in the electric roaster this time. Bad idea. Took twice as long and I still ended up burning myself.

Sunday, August 16th - Lunch:


What's the best part of the effort of risotto? Little gooey balls of flavor and cheese.

Dinner -

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Note for next time - sweet and sour basting sauce is not sweet and sour dipping sauce. Euuuuuu!

Epicureans and Earaches

     How is it that the only time I have to wax moronic on life and love and the lack thereof is when I'm tired and achy and walking sideways?  Here I am with all the side effects of a stupendous night out with none of the fun.

     I know this comes close on the heels of the strange phenomenon that is "Julie and Julia" and that it might appear to some who don't know me as a little shirt-tail (apron string?) riding, but I've got no time to stick to pen and paper like usual.  There are fewer hours in the day the older I get and the sad souls I share space with seem to grow emotionally/mentally senile day by day.  So I forsake scribbles and my ever-depreciating handwriting skills to word processors and Windows Live Writer.

    After all, when no one in the tangible world seems to give a shit, where else can a sad and lonely loser run to but to the safe haven of the Internet?

    So enough with the intro that I know very well will float about the ether finding nowhere to land but at least it's somewhere other than thumping about in my head with the day to day nonsense and stress and anger.

    There are many things I'm good at (drafting, thinking in 3D, doodling, inventing nonsense to pass the days), a lot of things I suck at (team sports is right there at the top of the list in spaces 1 through 5), and a couple things I haven't even tried yet but I'm pretty sure would end up helping me make an even bigger fool of myself (singing in public, learning to swim).  The list of things that I am great at is pretty damn short, and oddly enough these are the same things I've let fall apart - my writing and cooking.

     Words used to be a catalyst, a way to change circumstances and outcomes, my own witchy device of control.  I no longer write.  I complain in word form.  I type and scribble and all that comes out is a different form of the anger and discontent that weighs me down.

    Cooking and baking used to a stress-reducer and something I excelled at.  It's become a chore.  There are too many things that the others won't eat.  I try and plan meals, I try and keep things simple and keep down the waste, but one of the overgrown children I live with make that next to impossible.  Just once I'd like to cook for someone who'd appreciate it.

    Since the former seems to be broken, I decided the latter might be a good place to start.  Staring last Friday (I'm no good at planning to do things and creating meaningful anniversary dates; it either happens or it doesn't and maybe I'll remember) I started cooking what I want.  So far there's been little to no whining, but for future reference, if no one else wants to eat it, I don't care.  There's only so much meat and potatoes and peas I can take.